Friday, 9 May 2014

Production log

Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five

Week Six
Here is a six week schedule plan that we have created in order for every person involved in the filming to be aware of when things are taking place. The meetings at the start of the week are so as that we can plan out the schedules to fit around people's timetables as people may have other commitments, the meeting is also there so we can plan what costumes people should be wearing throughout the week and also where we are meeting. By doing this we are becoming more efficient with our time as a group as we know where to meet and the times, plus what we are doing on each day. If people are not present or do not arrive on time it is easier to show as we can show this as evidence that they were meant to be there but that they did not arrive or did not arrive on time. We as a group are all aware as to what each period's times are and we have discussed that this means we should arrive 5 minutes before the period of filming is scheduled to begin in order to have more time to prepare

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